Plug.Conn.WrapperError: ** (KeyError) key :streams not found in: {:error, "Quality B Data Spain not valid."}
Sentry Issue: WSDATASELECT-24
Plug.Conn.WrapperError: ** (KeyError) key :streams not found in: {:error, "Quality B Data Spain not valid."}
If you are using the dot syntax, such as map.field, make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a map
File "lib/wsdataselect/data_request.ex", line 95, in Wsdataselect.DataRequest.validate_minimal_selection/1
if Enum.any?(datareq.streams, fn s -> == "*" and s.sta == "*" and s.loc == "*" and s.cha == "*" end) do
File "lib/wsdataselect/data_request.ex", line 88, in Wsdataselect.DataRequest.fdsn_validate/1
|> validate_minimal_selection()
File "lib/wsdataselect/controller.ex", line 56, in Wsdataselect.Controller.manage_query/2
|> DataRequest.fdsn_validate() # Check if all stream are correctly specified
File "deps/plug/lib/plug/router.ex", line 246, in anonymous fn/4 in Wsdataselect.Router.dispatch/2
File "/app/deps/telemetry/src/telemetry.erl", line 321, in :telemetry.span/3
(3 additional frame(s) were not displayed)